Lot number 3514 - Auction 141

asking price

15.000,00 EUR

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Anzeige Ende: 29.12.2024 - 09:00:00
VENETO-BYZANTINE SCHOOL OF THE 14TH CENTURY SAINT FLAVIUS VALERIUS AURELIUS CONSTANTINUS (272 -337) WITH A DONOR FIGURE AT HIS FEET Tempera on wood panel (cradled). 121 x 50 cm. Part. old rest., old retouching, colour bulges and tempera detached from background upper left. Framed behind glass. The painting is listed in the Fondazione Federico Zeri of the University of Bologna under no. 6080 as: 'Anonimo veneto-bizantino sec. XIV, Santo e donatore' (Venetian-Byzantine Anonymous, 14th century, Saint and Donor). Flavius Valerius Aurelius Constantinus, known as Constantine the Great, was one of the most influential figures in Roman history and played a decisive role in the spread of Christianity in the Roman Empire. He was born around 272 AD in Naissus, in what is now Serbia, and died in Nicomedia (now in Turkey) in 337 AD. Constantine was the son of Constantius Chlorus, a Roman emperor, and Helena, who was later honoured as a saint. His rise to power began after the death of his father in 306 AD, when Constantine was proclaimed emperor by his troops in Britain. In the years that followed, he had to prevail against rival rulers in a series of civil wars until he finally emerged as sole ruler of the entire Roman Empire in 324 AD. One of the most remarkable events in Constantine's life was the Battle of the Milvian Bridge in 312 A.D. Before this battle, Constantine is said to have seen a vision of the Christian cross, accompanied by the words "In this sign you will conquer" ("In hoc signo vinces"). After his victory, Constantine began to favour Christianity and, together with his co-emperor Licinius, issued the Edict of Milan in 313 AD, which granted religious freedom to Christians in the empire. Christianity experienced a significant upswing under Constantine's rule. He convened the First Council of Nicaea in 325 AD, which laid down the foundations of Christian doctrine and formulated the Nicaean Creed. Constantine himself was baptised shortly before his death, which was a clear sign of his support for the Christian religion. Constantine is also known for his founding of the city of Constantinople (today's Istanbul), which he conceived as the "New Rome". This city became one of the most important centres of the Roman and later the Byzantine Empire. Constantine's legacy is undoubtedly profound. Through his promotion of Christianity and his political and military successes, he laid the foundations for what would later become the Byzantine Empire. His influence on European history and culture is still felt today, and he is often regarded as the emperor who set Christianity on the path to becoming the dominant religion in Europe. (Open AI ChatGPT 2024, reply to user). Provenance: International private collection. Sharp Art Zephyr House Guy va Rijn (2008) (attached invoice dated 7 June 2008 for EUR 102,000.- available). Galleria Lorenzelli, Bergamo (Lombardia, Italia), before 1963
Lot number 3514
Resale right levy No
Estimate price from 15000
Location: Germany, 40210

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