Lot number 615 - Auction 144
'J. R. 5-9-70' (1970)

Estimated call time
14.12.2024 - 16:09 o'clock

Initial price

1.000,00 EUR

(Minimum bid 1.000,00 EUR)
You will be called during the auction and bid by telephone. The amount entered above as "telephone bid" is considered a reserve bid in case you are not available by telephone.

ROBERT HÄUSSER 1924 Stuttgart - 2013 Mannheim 'J. R. 5-9-70' (1970) Black and white photography, vintage print. 44 x 58 cm (f. 61 x 71 cm). Signed and dated lower right. Verso: Signed, inscribed 'J.R. 5-9-70 1970' and with fingerprint on the reverse. Part. min. rubbed., part. rest. Frame behind glass (Halbe Frame). Provenance: Private collection Frankfurt am Main.
Lot number 615
Resale right levy 1
Estimate price from 1000

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