Lot number 1931 - Auction 146

Estimated call time
13.03.2025 - 18:05 o'clock

Initial price

500,00 EUR

(Minimum bid 500,00 EUR)
You will be called during the auction and bid by telephone. The amount entered above as "telephone bid" is considered a reserve bid in case you are not available by telephone.

COLLECTION OF 6 MEMORIAL PLAQUES German, 1st half of the 20th century Metal, enamel, silver. Min. 6 x 4.5 cm, max. 9.5 x 8 cm. Part. marked '800' with crescent and crown; part. inscribed 'Gustav Brehmer Gubrema Markneukirchen'. 'Zielfahrt nach Schleswig am 19. August 1928 - ADAC Gau VII - Kiel-Nordmark'; 'Motorfahrer-Club Schleswig e.V. 1924 - Dem Sieger Fuchsjagd 21.6.(19)31'; 'Motorfahrer-Club Schleswig e.V. 1924 - Dem Sieger Fuchsjagd 5.6.(19)32'; 'Motorfahrer-Club Schleswig 1924 - Wanderpokal Zuverlässigkeitsfahrt 17. August 1930 - 3. Preis'; 'Erinnerungsplakette - 5. Nordmark Zuverlässigkeitsfahrt 18. Sept. 1932 - Gau 7c Kiel-Nordmark'; 'Internationale Zielfahrt nach Kiel - 24.-26. Juni 1932 - ADAC Gau 7c Kiel Nordmark'. Part. rubbed and chipped.
Lot number 1931
Resale right levy No
Estimate price from 500

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