Lot number 925 - Auction 146

Estimated call time
12.03.2025 - 10:18 o'clock

Initial price

360,00 EUR

(Minimum bid 360,00 EUR)
You will be called during the auction and bid by telephone. The amount entered above as "telephone bid" is considered a reserve bid in case you are not available by telephone.


Böhmen, Klostermühle, Loetz Witwe, um 1902

Farbloses Glas, ausgekugelter Abriss, silbergelbe Kröselaufschmelzungen. H. 44 cm. Dekor: Candia Silberiris. Auf wulstigem Fuß langgezogener Schaft, dreifach durchstochen,
reliefartig gearbeitet.

Literatur: Vgl. Ricke, Helmut: Lötz. Böhmisches Glas 1880-1940. Werkmonographie. Band 1, München 1989, S. 153, Kat.-Nr. 145.
Lot number 925
Resale right levy No
Estimate price from 360

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