Lot number 639 - Auction 144
'DEMUT' (1981)

Estimated call time
14.12.2024 - 16:24 o'clock

Initial price

2.600,00 EUR

(Minimum bid 2.600,00 EUR)
You will be called during the auction and bid by telephone. The amount entered above as "telephone bid" is considered a reserve bid in case you are not available by telephone.

ARNO BREKER 1900 Elberfeld - 1991 Düsseldorf 'HUMILITY' (1981) Bronze, dark brown patinated. H. 58 cm, weight 9,2 kg. Signed, num. '47/99' and inscr. 'venturi arte'. Artist during the National Socialist period. Part. rubbed, minimally with traces of oxidation, part. with slight scratch marks. Literature: Egret 461. Provenance: Renowned private collection, North Rhine-Westphalia; previous owner was closely associated with the artist.
Lot number 639
Resale right levy 1
Estimate price from 2600

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