Lot number 640 - Auction 144

Estimated call time
14.12.2024 - 16:24 o'clock

Initial price

900,00 EUR

(Minimum bid 900,00 EUR)
You will be called during the auction and bid by telephone. The amount entered above as "telephone bid" is considered a reserve bid in case you are not available by telephone.

ARNO BREKER 1900 Elberfeld - 1991 Düsseldorf 'FORTUNA' Bronze, polished. H. 25 cm, w. 19 cm, d. 8 cm, weight 1,3 kg. Signed on the plinth and to the side, inscr. 'E.A.' and with foundry monogramm 'HSD' (Schmäke Düsseldorf), under the stand inscr. twice 'venturi arte'. Artist during the National Socialist period. Part. min. rubbed and bumped, part. min. with traces of oxidation, minimally stained. Provenance: Renowned private collection, North Rhine-Westphalia; previous owner was closely associated with the artist.
Lot number 640
Resale right levy 1
Estimate price from 900

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