Lot was sold

Lot number 3172 - Auction

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Lot was sold

selling price

6.000,00 EUR

VIOLIN BOW WILLIAM D. WATSON London, 1969 Octagonal stick, gold decoration, gold mounting, gold plate and english gold crown in frog, thumb leather, winding. L. 74 cm, weight ca. 60g. Violin bow marked 'W. D. Watson London', on plate in crown dat. 1969. William D. Watson (1930-2018) first worked as a bow maker in the famous W. E. Hill & Sons workshops and went into business for himself in 1962. Watson had a great influence on modern English bow making until his death. Bow in a very good condition. Literature: Cf. Lange, Sandt, Dakapo Pressebüro: 'Musikinstrumentenbauer in Nordrhein-Westfalen, Hessen und Saarland', Berlin, 2008, p. 19. Provenance: Private collection Rhineland.
Lot number 3172
Resale right levy No
Estimate price from 5800

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